Protection For Your Eyes
Why Eye Shields For You

In today's digital era we depend on our screens for work & entertainment both, making gadgets a part of our daily lives. Digital devices like phones, laptops & tablets emit harmful blue rays that may damage our eyes.

Eye Shields For You are specialized zero power glasses that can effectively block over 90% of these blue rays, thereby taking the strain off your eyes & reducing related ailments!

Blue Light Blocking 101
The Science Behind
Blue Light Blocking

The blue-light blocking glasses have advanced filters in their lenses that block or absorb blue light, and in some cases UV light from getting through to your eyes.

That means if you use these glasses when looking at a screen, they can help reduce exposure to blue light waves that can be harmful for the eyes.

Choose Your Package

Blue Light Blocking
From All Devices

The Blue Light Blocking Glasses work with all devices that emit these rays including

  • Laptops
  • Desktops
  • Gaming Console
  • Mobile Phones
  • Tablets
  • Television